Saturday, November 8, 2008

Seasonal Plans

It's November and Christmas is fastly approaching. As Brad and I sat down to discuss our Christmas plans for the girls, we felt the excitement in the air. The more we looked the the Toys 'R' Us catalog, the more we wanted toys. So this year, we have decided to buy each other a toy to bring back a little of our inner child. I think this is going to be fun and I can't wait until Christmas.
Annalia wants everything in site. She loves all the commercials that come on TV. All we hear from her is "it's OK mommy if you don't have the money to buy all the stuff that I need, because whatever you can't but, Santa will." This is when I sat her down and explained to her that Santa doesn't have a large income either and Christmas is not about the gifts. She quickly said "I know momma, It's a birthday party for Jesus, but since he never shows up, I get all the presents." I love the mind of 4 year olds. She truly amazes me daily.
On the other hand, Little Lainey loves bracelets and purses. She carries her purse everywhere, even to bed. She ask for money now to put in her purse and has started to count. It is so cute.
Well this is all for now...RM

1 comment:

kristi said...

Too cute! Kaitlin keeps talking about Santa as well. Finally I told her she has to be good for Santa to bring her some gifts. So now everytime she misbehaves I hear her cry about not getting any toys for Christmas. They have a one track mind.